Wednesday 9 February 2011

08/02/11: Kevin Eldon is Titting About - Soho Theatre

The Actor Kevin Eldon is a face a lot of people are used to by now, even if they have no idea why: he's like a subliminal message, except not. His CV is ridiculous - Smack the Pony, Fist of Fun, Brass Eye, Spaced, Black Books and so much more - and rightly so, because he is an unspeakably good actor. It turns out, however, that he is also an amazing stand-up, as he proved when he took his first ever one-man show to the Edinburgh Fringe last year. It's currently enjoying a long run at London's Soho Theatre, which I'm very grateful for since I've finally had the chance to see why this show was the talk of the (Scottish) town last August.

And, oh, what a show it was.

You are primarily just watching Eldon mess about on a stage for fifty minutes, of course, and he does it in such a way that he fools you into thinking everything you're seeing is spontaneous and simple, but it's not. Underneath the bubbly, bouncy surface of Eldon's world of obnoxious characters and babbling is clearly something very well-crafted and carefully-observed, and his attention to detail and timing is stunning.

Mostly playing "himself" while dipping between different characters such as poet Paul Hamilton, an arrogant Frenchman who can't speak English and a pension salesman with a heroin addiction, he talks about his process for coming up with the show, rips the shit out of all manner of comedy and theatre clichés, and sings a couple of hilarious songs as well. He's managed to pack so much into just fifty minutes that sometimes even he can't seem to keep up with himself.

Even though there's a lot of mockery and irritation in his material, particularly on the subject of the upward inflection, it's primarily a very joy-filled show. This is intensified by just how much he is visibly enjoying himself on stage; it's infectious.

There's so much to take in that it's impossible to pick a favourite moment or say much more without this getting much longer and more gushing than it already is. I will say one more thing, though: the show is an absolutely must-see for anyone with even a passing interest in comedy. Go. Go now.

Kevin Eldon is Titting About is on at the Soho Theatre until 19 February 2011. View details and book tickets here.

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